by sierra | Nov 4, 2022 | Custom Cabinetry, Homeowners, Residential Cabinetry
Level Up Your Home with Quality Custom Kitchen Cabinets When visiting someone’s home for the first time, what are some of the first things you notice? The countertops? Their appliances? Do they have a kitchen island? Cabinets, however, can often steal the show. Being...
by Valerie Shaver | Oct 28, 2015 | Custom Cabinetry, Homeowners, Residential Cabinetry
Over the past several weeks, we’ve covered the various ways that the modern kitchen can fall short of its amazing potential. From cramped and dreary to outdated and closed off, we’ve talked about the good, the bad and the ugly. BUT, we’ve also discussed the big and...
by Valerie Shaver | Oct 22, 2015 | Custom Cabinetry, Homeowners, Residential Cabinetry
As anyone still holding on to a Beanie Baby collection will tell you, not all investments are created equal. What might come as a surprise for some, is that the same is true about investments in your home. For example, did you know that from an investment perspective,...
by Valerie Shaver | Sep 25, 2015 | Custom Cabinetry, Homeowners, Residential Cabinetry
The kitchen workspace has certainly undergone a lot of change over the last hundred years. Historically, when people still cooked over open fires, kitchens were intentionally hidden away; dark, smoky, and with poor ventilation. Even in affluent homes, the kitchen area...
by Valerie Shaver | Sep 2, 2015 | Custom Cabinetry, Homeowners, Residential Cabinetry
Old age comes for all of us. One minute you’re running around the neighborhood with your friends in the summer sun without breaking a sweat and the next you’re stopping to stretch half way through a jog and icing your knees at home afterwards. Or maybe you used to be...